Language Challenge
Challenge Exam Procedures
The purpose of Language Challenge is to permit students who have already acquired the appropriate learning elsewhere to obtain credit for a Grade 11 or 12 course. Students who request the opportunity to challenge a course must be able to give compelling evidence that they will succeed in the challenge and that it is in their best interests. A successful challenge results in a student receiving credit for the appropriate content as well as a school mark.
Students need to submit their application to their counsellors by October 24, 2025. Please complete the application in the PDF document online before printing and submitting to your counsellor with the required documents.
Exams will take place on Saturday, February 1 (Grade 11) and Sunday, February 2, 2025 (Grade 12). Your exam will take around three hours – you will be informed whether your exam is scheduled for the morning or afternoon.
Challenge Procedures
Challenge consists of registration, evaluation, and examination. Cost to register for the exam is $50 and this is refunded when the student writes the exam ($205 non-refundable for international students). Students may challenge a course only once. At this point, registration takes place in November and exams are written in late January.
Please Note:
While a challenged course will satisfy a second language requirement for university, IT MAY NOT be used in the average courses needed for admission at some post secondary institution. For more information, please contact your school counsellor.